Feel Japan with K

Feel Japan with K

About Feel Japan with K

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Company Data

Company Name

Feel Japan with K Co., Ltd.

Principle Business

Travel Agency (License : TOKYO No.3-6242)
Head Office Suite 402 No.5 Ogawara Building, 5-4-24 Chuo Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan
tel. +81-3-6304-8589 fax. +81-3-6304-8589
Representative Office in Kuala Lumpur Feel Japan with K (M) Sdn, Bhd. E-8-6, Block E, Megan Avenue 1, Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Website www.feeljapank.com

Takeo Kishida

Takeo Kishida has been visiting many countries since university days sometime as a backpacker and sometime as a businessman. When he was a representative of Mitsubishi Corporation in Malaysia, he saw many muslim people hesitated to visit Japan due to food and religious restriction. This is one of the reasons why he came to establish "Feel Japan with K", travel agent which can provide necessary circumstance to foreign tourists.

1985 - Mitsubishi Corporation, Energy Group
1996 - 2000 Representative of Mitsubishi Corporation in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
2007 - 2009 Director of Petro Diamond Japan Co., Ltd. (100% affiliated company of Mitsubishi Corporation)
2009 - President of Feel Japan with K Co., Ltd.


This trademark, a part of "Seikaiha" (a traditional design for "Blue Sea Wave" in Japan) indicates that we continue to send a wide range of message from Japan.